14 Oct 2016

Exciting Things Ahead!

Hey there fellow penguins!
Today I thought I would give you a sneak peek of what you can expect to be coming up very soon.
Without further-a-do, let's get started!
Here's the list of things that we are DEFINITLY doing.
1. Party Reviews - CPUnited and CP parties.
2.Exciting Stories - New original stories!
3.Community based events - Partying and dancing is always a win-win!
4.New posts - Hooray!
5.MORE posts - HOORAY!
6. Opinions - Suggestions and opinions on the latest events.
7.More PPOTM's - Our monthly winner who gets featured on our blog and gets a custom and a short story written ALL about them! To learn more click here: http://playfulpuffles.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/playful-puffle-of-month-friendjad.html
8.More bloggers! - Lots more excited penguins joining us!

I hope you enjoyed this short update!
I've been VERY busy this week sorting out these things in the PPHQ:
Oh; one last thing to mention is that, we will be hosting a party for our 1000 page-views celebration shortly.
That's all for today folks!
Remember, if you think of anything awesome that we should write about then let us know!
But, until then...
Waddle on

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